Wednesday, October 30, 2013

November Journey CSA Share Week 1!

Welcome to Week 1 of your November Journey Share!
Nothin' scary about it, this share is packed with lots of good stuff.

Your Vegetable Harvest for this Week...
  • Yellow Carrots* ( Really good raw and great cooked)
  • Green Savoy Cabbage*
  • Spinach
  • Scallions*
  • Baby Red and Gold Beets*
  • Celeriac/Celery Root* (4 good looking recipes)
  • Baby Fennel Bulbs*
  • Lettuce Mix
  • Sweet Hakurei Salad Turnips* (without greens)
  • Curly Green Kale*

    * = All these items shredded or julienned together could and would make a scarily delicious and frighteningly beautiful coleslaw.

Peter, Tomas, Jesus and Kyle looking pretty darn smiley.
There wasn't enough room in the 4 wheeler for one more thing so Kyle had to
carry the last bunch of Yellow Carrots in his hand.


Not so happy.
It just aint sweet pepper weather no more.
Our favorite Sweet, Italian Corno di Toro (horn of the bull) Peppers
can take some cool and maybe cold weather but a few frosts and they melt down into mush.
We picked and picked these guys and still they provide more. Truth is, near the end of
their season the peppers produced on the well picked plants start to get smaller and smaller and just don't reach their full size anyway. In the same way but different,(?!) tomatoes, when left on the vine till the cold weather comes, start to have an 'off'' flavor and though they may be plentiful, are really not that enjoyable to the taste buds.

Do you see the future?
These are some freshly made planting beds for Spring 2014.
We set aside just a few acres for planting into in early spring to get a jump
on the season. This makes the farmer feel much better in case of very extended wet spring weather.
The rest of our fields are planted with a winter rye and/or vetch or oat cover crop.


I guess this is the season people tend to move inside.

**Speaking of which, the 2nd and 3rd November Shares will be picked up INSIDE our
wash/pack house. Details will come next week.

***Also, the Logan Square Farmer's Market is moving INSIDE
November 3 - March 30 2014!
TFO will be participating for the first 4 weeks of the indoor market.


**Stop by the Farm Stand or the Farmer's Market and pick up some of our newly harvested PORK.
Chops, Ribs, Italian Sausage, Breakfast Links, Shoulder Roasts.....
Our naturally cured and smoked pork IS HERE!!!
Bacon, Hams and Hocks! OH MY!

**Also we still have lots of hard-to-find apple varieties grown on our farm!
Sweet - Tart and everywhere in between.
*Thursday 4 - 7 pm on the farm

*Sunday 10 am - 3 pm at the Logan Square Farmers Market

Eat Well, Eat Local and Thank You!

Chris and Tania Cubberly, Larry, Joe, Michelle, Tomas,
                                       Peter, Jesus, Kyle, Kate and Chris