Wednesday, July 31, 2013

CSA Week 8!


Your Vegetable CSA share for this week.

This is a FULL SHARES week...Full Vegetable and Fruit Shares!

That means only those with Fruit and FULL Vegetable shares will pick up.

Pick up is Thursday, August 1st. 4-7 pm at your respective site.

Next week is an ALL SHARES week again so HALF SHARE folks, no pick up this week.
But please stop by the farm, pick up a few things in our retail area and say hello!


Your Vegetable Harvest for this Week...


  • 2 beautiful, purple Eggplant
  • 3 mini Romaine Lettuce Heads
  • Leeks
  • Yellow Wax Beans
  • Slicing Cucumbers
  • Golden Beets with Greens
  • 1 Garlic Head
  • Cilantro

Armenian Striped Cucumber*

These Armenian Cucumbers are really crunchy, and sweet
but certainly not uniform!
You will receive one of these beauties whether long and curled or short and straight.
The skin is very thin and great to eat so don't peel them.

Your Fruit Harvest for this Week...


    • Pristine Apples (a nice early summer variety! sweet - tart)
    • Nectarines
    • Apricots
    • Peaches

    Golden sunlight following an afternoon shower.

      Our multi-colored hogs enjoying the rain after a long, hot spell.

      Here we inspecting a sampling of 4 of the 7 colorful varieties of potatoes we planted this year.
      This is turning out to be a great potato and onion year for us!


      Have you been seeing a lot of these green katydids around lately?
      We have.
      This one rests on our cooler door.

      Yellow wheat straw from our winter wheat was cut, baled and loaded into
      the barn for use as bedding for our laying hens.


      We offer flower arrangements for special occasions.
      Send us an email for more details!

      To ALL off-farm CSA members!

      Please return your past weeks fruit and vegetable boxes.
      We will reuse them.