Wednesday, October 23, 2013

CSA Week 20!

That is the word of the last few days. We need to get a huge amount of crops in before they get frosted and ruined. A frost or two around this time in October is not unusual but to have it dip into the 20's is a bit much. In the last few days we saved radishes, beets, turnips, lemongrass, escarole, arugula, and we covered quite a bit more in hopes of prolonging the harvest period. Here you see the crew saving some of our fantastic, big, thick and tasty spinach. We hope the crowns of these and other spinach plants live through the long winter to grow again and produce some super fantastic spinach in the spring!
You know, vegetable farm work can be extremely satisfying and fulfilling and it can also be very difficult physically and very challenging mentally. It is certainly not for everybody. Every season we see some well meaning folks fall by the wayside and quit or just stop showing up because they can't handle the heat and cold and ticks and rain and dry, cracking hands and frozen fingers and................
It really helps to have a passion for food, local food, growing plants and animals and very hard work.
We are lucky to have had such a passionate crew this season. Every year our farm products get better and our systems get more efficient thanks in large part to our crew.
This is a FULL SHARES ONLY week...Full Vegetable Shares.


Pick up is Thursday, October 24th. 4-7 pm at your respective site.






Your Vegetable Harvest for the LAST WEEK of the

                                                             "Full Summer Journey".....


  • Mixed Fingerling Potatoes (A mix of French, LaRatte and Amarosa)
    (Warm Fingerling Salad)
  • Sweet Potatoes- Covington - orange flesh, orange skin and Japanese - white flesh and ruby skin  (sweet potato and sausage soup!) (How about using TFO Italian Sausage in place of chorizo? Also, don't peel the sweet potatoes cause skin is good!)
  • Arugula
  • Spinach
  • Scarlet Salad Turnips (Salad with radishes and carrots.)
  • French Breakfast Radishes (OK, let's pickle radishes and dispel a myth.)
  • Orange Carrots
  • Escarole (Stew! Substitute Escarole for the chard.) 
  • Italian Parsley
  • Red Beets with Greens

Frosty beet greens.
The greens can take a night or two of these kinds of temperatures but not much more.


A beautiful Hickory with it's characteristic peeling bark and huge amount of hickory nuts to feed the hungry, ever-fattening squirrels.


Once again, Tania has to come to grips with the fact that the flower field must be tilled under and seeded to a cover crop.
Yes, some flowers were indeed harmed in the process.

The sheer amount of storage onions dwarfs Charlie as he takes stock on a chilly afternoon in our greenhouse.


**Stop by the Farm Stand or the Farmer's Market and pick up some of our newly harvested PORK.
Chops, Ribs, Italian Sausage, Breakfast Links, Shoulder Roasts.....
Our naturally cured and smoked pork will arrive in a week or two. Bacon, Hams and Hocks!

**Also we still have lots of hard-to-find apple varieties grown on our farm!
Sweet - Tart and everywhere in between.

*Every Thursday 4 - 7 pm on the farm

*Every Saturday 8 am - 2 pm on the farm 

*Every Sunday 10 am - 3 pm at the Logan Square Farmers Market

Eat Well, Eat Local and Thank You!

Chris and Tania Cubberly, Larry, Joe, Michelle, Tomas,
                                       Peter, Jesus, Kyle, Kate and Chris