Tuesday, August 28, 2012

CSA week 12

 Our Farm Market Stand will be open this Thursday from 4 to 7pm and Saturday from 8 to 2pm!
That's right! We're back on Saturdays for our stand to be open and just in time for tomato season especially heirlooms. We have some amazing mouth watering, summer savoring flavors for you to try out this summer. Pictured below to your left is a Striped German, Ibson's Gold, Black Krim and a Rose. Our hoophouse is still producing some amazing Red Slicers too some come on out and select a few, invite your friends over and have a tomato tasting party!

 Your vegetable harvest for this week..........

Heirloom Tomatoes
Lettuce Heads
Hakurei Turnips
Carmen Red Sweet Peppers
Golden Beets

Your fruit harvest this week from Mick Klug Farm............

Fall Raspberries
Blueberries (last week!)
Jupiter Grapes

 The farm in your kitchen..............

The red carmen sweet peppers have a great flavor all on their own but for 
those of you that like to play with their food try out these recipes...

Yes! the sweet salad hakurei turnips are back!!
Remember these gems don't need any peeling, just wash them again and slice 'em up
how you'd like, always try one without anything on it and get to know the flavor, then toss with
citrus and some olive oil, a  bit of salt and enjoy!

Ohhh, these beets are one of our favorite here on the farm, golden beets.
I often find Joe eating these for lunch so when you see him at the stand go ahead and
ask him how to prepare these golden root vegetables.

I can't pass up a simple roast of golden beets with goat cheese. I know what you're thinking but don't ask, we can't sell our goat cheese here, not yet anyway! 

We'd like to welcome two new members to our crew.............

Devin and Erol!
They came on board late last week and have already been transplanting, weeding,
harvesting, sorting, packing and covering crops with row cover. Much more in store for them,
thanks for joining the team!

Save the date!
Saturday September 15
10am until noon
our 4th annual farm tour
This tour will be open to the public so invite your friends, family and neighbors and let us introduce them to a growing
organic farm!

Also......our Farm Market Stand
will be open once again on Saturdays, 8 to 2pm.
We welcome you to stop by and see the selection we'll have:

swiss chard, yellow onions, garlic, red sweet peppers, heirloom tomatoes, gala apples, golden supreme apples, grapes, melons, cantaloupes, radishes, turnips, herbs, fresh cut flowers, goat milk soap,
popcorn, maple syrup, artichokes, potatoes, lettuce, arugula, eggs and so much more!

Pictures of the farm this week.............

celery, leeks and brussel sprouts

Charlie overseeing the new planting of sunflowers and eucalyptus for the fall

Sorrel  and Mar sharing breakfast

our lower fields

Keegan helping out with the sunflower harvest

it's a jungle! no, it's our tomato field!!

Devin, Keegan, Erol, Tomas and Joe hand weeding the lettuce mix bed

couldn't resist a Striped German Tomato off the vine during harvest time

our late summer friends

our swiss chard and kales are looking really great now

artichokes! with lemon butter sauce.....we'll have these for sale at our stand

amazing colors of gladiolus flowers will be for sale at our stand
along with other bouquets, flowers for the soul!

Eat Well,

Your farmers,
Tania and Chris Cubberly along with our amazing crew, Keegan, Duncan, Erol, Danny, Devin, Tomas, Pedro, Michelle and Joe!